Actividades médicas y odontológicas
Productos y servicios
Clínica de reproducción asistida
Actividades de medicina especializada
Otras actividades sanitarias
Actividades de medicina especializada
Otras actividades sanitarias
Specialist medical practice activities
Other human health activities
It is a medical institute devoted to human reproduction. The company was incorporated in November of 2000. The registered business office of the company is located in Valencia, Spain. The company offers a wide range of treatments such as artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, egg donation, and preservation of fertility. The company is considered a leading European medical institute in the field of reproductive medicine. It strives to be a world leader in the field of reproductive medicine; to become the group with the strongest presence and the best clinical results; to be the world’s reference point in quality of care, research and teaching; and to develop its people’s potential and its team spirit as the pillars of its joint projects. The company is active and operational in Spain.